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“Confidence trumps an attempt to seduce.”
While fighting sex trafficking around the world, Elegantees is breaking through the fashion industry with its relatable and respectable brand image. Elegantees is rooted in pure styling, modeling, and photography. The team selects models solely based on potential to radiate confidence. The models are of all shapes and sizes that women can relate to. Ideal female beauty is an expression of something that comes from the inside. The confidence they carry is the beautiful thing we capture! This confidence trumps an attempt to seduce that is commonly found in fashion photography. The vision is to create an example through fashion that says freedom to feel beautiful isn't in seducing attention. It's found in loving one self so much that there's enough respect to protect the body. When a woman takes care of herself, and others with kindness, she's at the height of beauty. Elegantees desires to break free from society's deception of what being attractive is. True beauty is in being clothed in strength and dignity. Founder Katie Martinez testifies: "Yes, we have freedom in this country to be as seductive as we want, but this isn't really freedom. I used to dress in a way that I thought was gratifying because of the attention. It fueled a place of pain inside me that came from feeling unwanted as a kid because of being teased so much. As I started dressing more immodestly, the looks from others fueled an addiction to reveal more. It got to the point where there wasn’t anything left to reveal and I couldn’t feel satisfied. Where is the freedom in that? Freedom is in finding a confidence that proclaims a self hood!”