Pre-pay for any 2 items. You can choose pieces on our website now, and/or designs to come.
- Regardless of the retail price of the items, you can choose any 2 items on our website after you buy this package.
- Shipping will be free of charge, making this a very good value! If you're outside of the U.S., we ask that we ship both pieces at a time to reduce the shipping cost (we can hold one for you as we wait to release more pieces).
- Select your 2 items before the end of this year. Renaming value leftover on December 31, 2023 will be credited into a store credit. Each item is valued at $47.50.
- Within 2 business days of placing your order, you will personally be emailed you to start the redemption process. Someone from the Elegantees team will also remind you periodically to redeem your package.
- Need to exchange an item you got? One size swap per item will be complimentary for US addresses. Exchange for another item will be charged the additional shipping.
When adding this to your cart, discount codes will not be honored. The value of this package is already discounted. To choose this option, add it to your cart, but do not add a discount code.
The Rebuild Campaign exists because we are working on something new, and could use extra financial support to finish it.
At the beginning of this year, we had to close the doors to our previous setup. But close the business totally? No, the women in Nepal motivated me to rebuild. Ultimately, we couldn’t toss all the hard work that not only we put in, but what they put in too. We’ve been rebuilding.
The best stories are to be told in this next chapter. We still believe that job creation is an amazing tool for survivors to overcome and be free forever! We're already seeing the seamstresses stronger than before. Truly, we are overcoming!!
- FREE SIZE SWAPS: To trade this for a size up or down, the round trip shipping is included (US orders only, pending stock availability).