The Namra basic fitted tank will reappear for the 5th time next week. Namra was born during an era when I was still making patterns and sewing samples in my kitchen. I still remember when I made the first Namra tank. I laid the fabric on the floor to cut out the pieces, while my first born child was an infant and taking a nap. That was in 2014!
My daughter is now leading a girls collection.
That infant is now an 8 year old girl who loves the business. When she notices new things on my garment rack, she tells me what she wants in her size. She's been hands on and helpful during photo shoots with the models.
What's next for my daughter's involvement? She started a group text on my phone with her BFFs to ask them to model for the Elegantees girls collection. They've all accepted the offer, so I suppose a girls line will be happening! I don't have a timeline on this because I want her to lead the way. Seeing her initiate this on her own has been life-giving to my heart.
Excited to see this come together!