Did you get to see the new items that went live yesterday? I clicked refresh to see them once our Media Editor finished uploading. I was amazed to see it looked better than I could have done.  Proud Mama over here!

Behind the scenes, we're putting together another photo shoot for upcoming designs, but this time it will be in Nepal. Five seamstresses will model, and it's happening soon! This idea came to me because I was running behind schedule to do a shoot here. Once a Nepal-based shoot came up as a possibility, the eagerness from the sewing team to do it surprised me in such a good way. If it goes well, we'll do more of it!


These events are a result of delegation. Feeling deeply grateful to the people making these things happen for this. Not only are they helping me have my needs for family time and focus, they are making Elegantees even better.

Now I'm wondering what else I can delegate. Perhaps if even more of the logistics can comes off my plate, I can make the time for the nonprofit arm that I've been dreaming of for quite some time now.
I believe these events are also thanks to the prayers some of you had for me. If you're been reading my emails lately, you'll know I was running on empty a month ago. With my refreshed soul, I'm hopeful for this dream to provide jobs for hundreds of overcomers.