Beginning with gratitude. Despite things not being perfect, there are so many blessings I see. Lives are being transformed, including my own.
This week I joined friends to fast from food for spiritual purposes. To be honest, I’m sticking to veggies and nuts, but the benefits are the same. As toxins are removed, my desires are simplified. I have more clarity and optimism with things that matter most!
Last week I shared how I wanted to create my own app for Elegantees for customer photos and community. There were so many responses that I'll need to re-read them. Who knew there’s many brilliant people here to share their wisdom!?
Turns out the mobile app would cost way more to develop than expected. I’ve learned by hearing your ideas that there’s wiser things for us. This comes to my heart:
Proverbs 11:14, ESV: Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
1. A large wholesaler reached out to partner with us. They have a fair-trade focus and are good people to work with!
2. A meeting with another app developer has been on my calendar since November. I honestly forgot about him until this week when it popped up. As I listened to his sales pitch, he demoed features I dreamed of for the app. I’m in awe. It’s only a small monthly cost since it’s already developed. It would also be on our website directly, so even better!
While I am content with today, I’m believing for greater things yet to come! Greater things are still to be done!